Happy Birthday Taun!
We started the day by taking balloons and pie to Taun at work. Benjamin was so excited that it was daddy's birthday. He helped serve pie to everyone at Taun's office and we "made" the office staff sing Happy Birthday with us. (Taun was a good sport about it and didn't go hide in a hole.) Benjamin insisted on having hot dogs for dinner and Taun didn't mind so we had hot dogs for his birthday dinner.
We love DADDY!
Taun is such a great daddy and an amazing husband. He is so supportive and helpful. The boys love him and won't leave him alone from the minute he walks in the door til bedtime. He never complains when I ask him to do things for me. He tries to do his best in everything.
Benjamin's favorite thing about his daddy is that "he is so fun and he will play with me."
Alex's favorite thing about his daddy is that "he reads choo choo stories to me." (I had to guess what Alex would have said in response to this question.)